This disclaimer provides information about the general conditions to access and use the webpage that must be known by users in compliance with the Spanish Law on Services in the Information Society and E-Commerce.





TAX NUMBER:A-64346695

SEAT: C/ Severo Ochoa, 47

Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía

29590 Campanillas Málaga



TELEPHONE: 95 123 13 20

TELEFAX: 95 123 13 21

REGISTRATION: Registered at the Malaga Commercial Registry Volume 4866, page 98, sheet number MA-108704/2ª



Users accept full liability for accessing this website; use of this website implies knowledge and acceptance of the legal disclaimer, and terms and conditions of access contained therein.

The use of services offered in the webpage is free of charge and does not require, as a general rule, previous membership or registration of users, although making use of certain services may be subject to prior registration of users in certain cases. Usernames and passwords are used as tools for authentication purposes and enable access to services; they are personal and non-transferable.
If the user disapproves of the content of the present general browsing terms and conditions, he must leave the site and he shall neither access, nor dispose of any of the offered services.

The user guarantees that he or she is over 14 years of age. The user also guarantees that the information disclosed for entering into those contract services that require the registration of users is true and accurate; the user commits himself or herself to update the information as appropriate.

Links that may be made to other websites that may exist, and their use by the user, are subject to the present general terms and conditions and to the other specific terms and conditions that may be pertain to said websites. Any use other than the authorized use is expressly prohibited.

PREMO, S.A.U. may at any time it deems appropriate modify the layout of this web-page, its content and the terms and conditions applicable to services; it may also delete, suspend or limit them, or refuse access to a user, while endeavouring, circumstances permitting, to advise users of such changes by means of a note published in the web-page.

PREMO, S.A.U. cannot assume a guarantee for full availability and continuity in operating the web site. Neither can PREMO, S.A.U. guarantee all information, content, software programmes, materials or products included in the web.

Thus, we exclude liability for any loss and damage of any kind that may result from the lack of availability and continuity in operating the web site, its services and the possible use made by users.

PREMO, S.A.U. shall make every conceivable effort to maintain by all means continuous availability of this web site.
Likewise, PREMO, S.A.U. shall not be held liable for any possible error or security deficiency that may appear as a consequence of the user using a non-updated, or unsafe version of his or her browser, nor for the activation of devices to store passwords or identification codes for users registered to the browser, nor for damages, errors or inaccuracies that may derive from its inappropriate use or malfunction.
The user accepts that the website has been created and developed in good faith by PREMO, S.A.U. with information from internal and external sources and that it is offered in its present state to users, although it may contain inaccuracies or errors. The user exonerates therefore PREMO, S.A.U. of any liability related to the reliability, usefulness or false expectations that may be generated while browsing this webpage.



The user commits himself to make good use of the services and/or contents of this webpage and not to use them for illicit purposes, for criminal actions and/or for the infringement of intellectual or industrial property rights, or any other legal provision. The user shall be solely liable for any use he makes of the information contained in this webpage.
The user guarantees the truthfulness and authenticity of all data transmitted to PREMO, S.A.U. by means of online forms and he or she is liable for any inaccuracy or errors contained therein.
In addition, as the list hereafter sets forth in the form of examples, the user shall refrain from introducing, transmitting or publicising information which include but are not limited to the following:
Contents whose character is racist, xenophobic, pornographic, apologetic of terrorism, or against Human Rights.
Contents that promote criminal, defamatory, violent, or, in general, illegal or immoral conduct, or any activity against good customs and public order.
Information and contents that violate fundamental rights and public liberties which are recognized in the Constitution and in international treatises.
Information delivered to unauthorized third parties about the names and password of users. If a password came to the knowledge of a third party, that user shall inform immediately PREMO, S.A.U.
Information and contents that constitute an infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights, patents, trademarks or copyrights owned by PREMO, S.A.U. or any other third party.
Unauthorized or unsolicited advertising material, spam, chain e-mails, pyramidal structures, etc.
Data programmes (virus and malware) that may produce damages to the computer systems of the service provider, his or her suppliers and third party users of the internet.



PREMO, S.A.U. cannot control the use made by users of its website and its content. For this reason, it shall not be liable for damages and losses of whatever nature they may be that are triggered by an illicit, incorrect or inappropriate use.
In case the user causes damages to this parties, he or she shall be solely liable. Likewise, the user shall accept all expenses, costs and, where appropriate, compensations that may arise from judicial procedures related to infringements to the present terms and conditions, and to the applicable laws.


5. inteLlectual AND industrial PROPERTY

All content of the website (including, but not limited to, data-bases, images, drawings, graphics, text files and the different source codes, audio and video) is owned by PREMO, S.A.U., or its content suppliers, in which case such rights were licensed or transmitted by their owners. These rights are protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property rights laws and may not become the object of subsequent modifications, copy, changes, reproduction, adaptation or translation by the user or third parties in the absence of an express authorization of the holders of the mentioned contents. The compilation (meaning the collection, design, editing and assembling) of the website content is exclusive property of PREMO, S.A.U.
All software utilized for the use and development of the webpage is owned by PREMO, S.A.U. or its programmes providers and is protected by national and international intellectual and industrial property laws.
Trademarks, labels, distinctive signs or logos reproduced in the website are owned by PREMO, S.A.U., or by companies that are part of the PREMO group, or were licensed or transmitted by their owners, and are duly registered or registration is pending.

The availability for the user, and the use by the user of data-bases, images, drawings, graphics, text files, audios and videos, and the software that is owned by PREMO, S.A.U., or its providers, as mentioned in the webpage, does not imply, in any case, an assignment of property rights or a license to use in favour of the user.
The web page user shall not copy, modify, distribute, transmit, reproduce, publicize, assign, or sell any of the previously mentioned elements, nor create new products or services deriving from the information gathered.
The user shall only be entitled to visualize and download the mentioned elements for his personal, but not for commercial use; he shall not be entitled to transmit these elements to third persons or entities.
The introduction by the user of changes to this webpage that may affect its content, links and similar is strictly forbidden.
PREMO, S.A.U. shall ensure that the contents of this webpage are not of a pornographic, xenophobic, discriminatory, racist, defamatory character, nor promote violence. In addition, it shall prevent, as much as possible, circumstances in the webpage that are harmful to users, as much as possible.
In the event that any user or third party considers that there are facts or circumstances revealing the illegal use of any part of the content, and/or activities conducted in other webpages that are included or accessible through this webpage, especially in cases of infringement of industrial or intellectual property rights, or any other right, this user shall give notice to PREMO, S.A.U. providing the following details:
Personal data of the complainant: name, address, telephone number, e-mail.
Description of the alleged illegal activity, with precise and detailed indication of the protected contents and location in the webpages.
In case of infringement of rights: personal data of the owner of the rights that are allegedly infringed, or of the person entitled to represent and sign in his or her behalf.
Explicit and clear statement by the claimant, confirming that the information contained in his notice is accurate and that the use made of the contents, or the activities conducted are of an illegal character. Such statement is made under the liability of the claimant.



The company PREMO, S.A.U. maintains a policy of confidentiality of the data provided by its users and is committed to protecting them. This protection extends to everything that refers to the collection and use of information provided through the Internet.

In this regard, PREMO, S.A.U. guarantees, under the RGPD, that it will confidentially use the personal data of the users, and that it has adopted the appropriate technical and organizational security measures in its facilities and systems.
PREMO, S.A.U. may communicate personal data and any other information contained in their files, through their computer systems, to the relevant Public Authorities, when requested in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations.
In accordance with article 13 ff. of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), whenever personal data is requested from a user of the website to be processed, the user will be duly informed, at least, of the identity and the person responsible for the processing (PREMO, S.A.U.), of the purpose for which is obtained the data, the legal basis, deletion and the rights that may correspond to the user, as well as any requirement required by current legislation.
PREMO, S.A.U. will use the data of the users for the purpose for which they are required and will only send information of their products when it has been expressly authorized.

The user can exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, portability, restriction of processing, and opposition by contacting, or in writing to Severo Ochoa Street, nº 47, Parque Tecnológico de Andalucia, 29590 (Málaga), reference “GDPR rights”. If your rights are not attended, you can address to the AEPD (Spanish Data Protection Agency).



The webpage may use cookies to facilitate browsing by users and to detect their preferences so as to allow their recognition. However, users can configurated their equipment so as to accept or decline incoming cookies.



This webpage includes links to other webpages that are independent from PREMO, S.A.; the latter does not assume any liability resulting from their contents, nor from any offered products or services, nor from viruses and malware they may possibly contain.